digisec.wiki:Privacy policy

From digisec.wiki English
Revision as of 04:23, 30 July 2024 by Khrlzhfr (talk | contribs)
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digisec.wiki is a volunteer-run community wiki for human rights defenders to share knowledge and resources on digital security and online safety.

EngageMedia maintains all versions of digisec.wiki (English and non-English ones). We use cookies for user interface preferences, identity and access management, web security, and web analytics.

For web security and web analytics, we also use third-party services provided by Cloudflare. Your IP address, browser user agent, and other information derived from them such as your approximate location, your internet service provider, your device type, and similar details are retained on EngageMedia's Cloudflare account.

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We occasionally update this policy and encourage you to periodically review this policy to stay informed about how we protect personal information that we collect.

You are entitled to view and request copies, deletion, and modification of the personal data collected. Note that these rights do not apply if they conflict with other legal obligations.

For further information regarding your rights, this privacy policy, or the handling of your personal data, email [email protected] (public key).